Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A message to Robyn


We're all very excited about the prospect of your mother disowning you. Fess up. What have you really got melted butter on??

Is it;
a. the cream lounge suite
b. one of your mother's quilts
c. it really is on a skivvy

a. start saving now
b. leave home or learn to sew
c. throw it away and get a new one!

We look forward to hearing from you.

ps - your mother is crazy anyway, so maybe you don't need to bother!

1 comment:

  1. You're quite right, she is crazy. I'm the good child anyway, so disowning me would be very foolish, especially if she wants to retire in style instead of in a cardboard box somewhere on State Highway 1. To respond, however, I have questions of my own: What quilts?? Seriously, there are quilts here?? Really?? And since I never sit in the lounge, how exactly am I expected to get ANYTHING on them?? Hmm?? HMMMMMM??? Yes exactly. Hmph.
